Towards a sustainable future
Sustainability is all about balance. In our use of resources. In our greenhouse gas emissions. In the way we manufacture. And in the way we handle our waste.
DFI-Geisler constantly strives to optimise all of the above parameters – to minimise the footprint that is an inevitable consequence of worktop manufacture.
Of course, we could always choose the easy solution and launch a “green collection”, with worktops fashioned from recyclable materials. However, we choose to tread a different path. With the broadest possible focus, we endeavour to optimise our key products and the associated processes to benefit the climate and the environment. And, besides use of resources and constituent materials, we consider the useful life of the products, in the belief that: Longer useful life => lower consumption => smaller footprint.
We call this balanced sustainability. It’s as simple as that.
‘Over the past few years, we’ve made an effort to make sustainability an integral part of our business strategy. This enables us to make a positive contribution to the CO2 balance and to become even more sustainable than we are today.’
Lars Langkjær, CEO

Our ambitions and goals for sustainable development
Sustainability is an integral part of our business model. As Scandinavia’s leading worktop manufacturer, we are large enough and influential enough to have a unique opportunity to lead the way and nudge the market, our customers and our suppliers in a more sustainable direction. We see sustainability in a broad context and incorporate it into everything we do. Large and small.
We focus on three core values:

Circular design
Reduction of CO2 emissions
Reduction of water consumption
Sustainable forestry

We support our employees
We support the local area

Responsible employees
Responsible collaboration with suppliers
We take care of the environment

Reduction of CO2 emissions
Our aim is to reduce CO2 emissions by 70% by 2022.
Baseline in 2018 – 1,852 tonnes
Target in 2022 – 555 tonnes

Sustainable forestry
Target for 2021: 100% certified timber, chip and laminate
Compensation for CO2 emissions by afforestation in the local area.

Circular design
The aim is to reduce waste products and constantly attempt to identify circular solutions.
All laminate and solid wood products are already integral parts of circular production.

Reduction of water consumption
We have installed a recycling facility that reduces our water consumption by up to 80%.
We are looking into the potential for using rainwater.
We take care of people

Work-related injuries
The goal is always: 0 injuries a year
Result in 2023 – 1 injury

Employee satisfaction
Every year we participate in the organisation’s Great Place to Work survey.
Allways safety first

Local area
We sponsor local sports clubs, events and charity every year.
We have planted the first company tree on Mors

Respectful business ethics

Code of Conduct– suppliers
Target for 2022: All suppliers >DKK 500,000 have signed a Code of Conduct
Baseline in 2019: > DKK 1 million

Code of Conduct– employees
All employees sign a Code of Conduct on recruitment.
Part of Ballingslöv International