Responsible business conduct

At DFI-Geisler, we value our relationship to people, organisations and society. For this reason, we are also aware of our great responsibility to ensure that the rights of our employees are always respected – both within our company and at our suppliers.
Companies and individuals alike must treat other people fairly and respectfully. It is therefore also important for DFI-Geisler to act responsibly towards our employees as well as our local community. We are committed to mutual respect and understanding, and all our work is based on our fundamental goal to respect human rights for all, to achieve diversity and inclusiveness in all our operations and to maintain high health and safety standards.
To us, promoting respectful business ethics means that we protect our employees’ rights, encourage honesty and dedication and work to combat discrimination, bribery, corruption and child labour. All of this has been written into the DFI-Geisler Code of Conduct, where we outline our requirements and expectations for employees and business partners alike. Our Code of Conduct covers environmental aspects, working conditions, respect for human rights, business ethics and anti-corruption.
We work continually to ensure our in-house business ethics, and we focus on behaviour that makes us act correctly. For the same reason, all of our employees have made a binding commitment to comply with the company’s Code of Conduct. The same applies to the suppliers with annual sales to DFI-Geisler of goods and services above a certain amount. Our suppliers have committed to pass on these requirements to their sub-suppliers, and we also have the option to perform audits at the latter.

Our Code of Conduct – Ethical, environmental and social requirements krav

Health and safety
We expect business partners to comply with all current legislation, regulations and directives in the country in which they do business.
The workplace must be organised such as to ensure that employees’ health and safety are not endangered or put at risk.
Employee rights – All employees must be treated with respect and dignity
Use of humiliating or corporal punishment is not acceptable.
No employees may be subjected to physical, sexual, mental or verbal harassment or abuse.
No employees may be subjected to discrimination on the basis of gender, race, colour, age, pregnancy, sexual orientation, religion, political stance, nationality, ethnic origin, illness or disability.
All employees have the right to form/join associations as they choose and to enter into collective agreements.
Forced labour and slavery
We do not accept any form of forced labour, labour performed by prison inmates, slavery or non-voluntary work.
Child labour
We do not accept child labour in any shape or form. Business partners must comply with the national minimum age for workers or the age for compulsory education and must not employ persons under the age of 15.
We expect our business partners to guarantee that the materials they use, and the products they manufacture, comply with legislation and rules for environmental protection.
Furthermore, we have the following more stringent requirements for waste products, chemicals and transport:
  • Waste products, particularly hazardous waste, must be handled responsibly and in compliance with local laws and rules.
  • Chemicals must comply with current environmental legislation and rules in the country in question. In addition, chemicals must be stored, handled and transported in such a way as to prevent spillage.
  • Within reason, business partners must minimise the impact of transport on the environment.
Relationship to business partners – Ethics
We have zero tolerance for bribery and corruption.
Our employees must not accept payment, gifts or any other form of reimbursement from a business partner or third party, which may affect their objectivity in their business decisions.
Employees and business partners must never reveal confidential details to persons outside or within the company.
We are firmly opposed to any form of association with the aim of controlling prices or other aspects of business usually regulated by an open market.
DFI-Geisler has introduced a whistleblowing policy. This means that business partners and employees must report to the group’s management for Corporate Governance. We have established a whistleblower mechanism and an in-house complaint process, enabling people to report concerns either openly or confidentially. Whistleblowing creates a safe and confidential environment to make it easy for employees and business partners to report malpractice or wrongdoing.
All employees and business partners are obliged to report wrongdoing or suspected wrongdoing. All reports will be subject to relevant scrutiny.